Tanzanite for Spiritual Healing and Growth
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- By Linda Perry
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Tanzanite has an extremely high vibration. It is a stone that connects to the Violet Flame healing energy, accelerates spiritual healing and growth, links to the angelic realms, Ascended Masters and spirit guides.
Connect with your spirit guides as you heal with Tanzanite! Tanzanite is a powerful healing gem and 3rd Eye chakra stone. It is a Synergy 12 crystal that brings spiritual enlightenment as well as a stronger connection with your spirit guides. It contains teachings from other dimensions and helps strengthen your spirit ahead of spiritual work. Tanzanite enhances the experience of the present moment and self-awareness to guide you to your highest good. It is a stone of spiritual protection, alchemy, transformation, manifestation and inspiration. Tanzanite is also calming, brings peace and compassion, and integrates the energies of the mind and the heart. Keep it close to open your 3rd Eye chakra and hear the messages you need from your spirit guides!
Tanzanite is actually a type of Zoisite that is deep blue to purple and comes from a village at the bottom of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. During a torrential storm in the late 1960s, villagers were forced to flee the area for protection. When they returned, they found Tanzanite on the ground and pulled it out of the earth. Lightning bolts had pierced the bottom of Mount Kilimanjaro exposing the stones. They saw this as a sign of blessings from God. And it truly was a blessing as Tanzanite currently supports the economy of Tanzania. Mining natural Tanzanite is very difficult, and this gem is now rarer than diamonds.
Meditate with Tanzanite, place it on your altar or desk or carry it with you to harness its positive essence. Work with it to open and activate your 3rd Eye chakra so you can receive the wisdom and vision you need to move towards your highest good.
Tanzanite has an extremely high vibration. It is a stone that connects to the Violet Flame healing energy, links to the angelic realms, Ascended Masters and spirit guides. It facilitates deep meditation connecting to the Soul Star chakra for spiritual enlightenment, spiritual growth and receiving guidance.
It works through the Heart, Higher Heart, 3rd Eye and Crown chakras and up, helping you to do everything from the heart and compassion. Keeping a piece with you during the day and under your pillow at night will increase intuitive abilities.
A powerful crystal for transformation, Tanzanite can help with healing karmic issues. If you are very sensitive, it can be beneficial to keep a grounding crystal with it.
Some crystals that work well with Tanzanite are Amethyst, Charoite, Danburite, Iolite, Seraphinite, Sodalite and Sugilite.
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