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Mugwort, For Dream Magic

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  • By Linda Perry
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Mugwort, For Dream Magic

Mugwort, also known as Black Sage, is found in the mountains of the West Coast from British Columbia to California. It is known as a smudging herb for its subtle, sweet scent and dream inducing qualities.

Mugwort, also known as Black Sage, is found in the mountains of the West Coast from British Columbia to California. It is known as a smudging herb for its subtle, sweet scent and dream inducing qualities. Sage can sometimes be included with Mugwort in a smudge stick combining their healing properties. Mugwort can be a bit strong when burning, so sage softens it.

In its early flowering stage, it is at its most potent and can be harvested for smudge sticks and dream pillows. It is entirely reliable for its effects on dreaming, which are best described as intensifying or enhancing for astral travel, dream inducing and dream recall. 

If you need major clearing, Mugwort is for you. It is more powerful than sage for clearing, inner healing and will also ground and center. It is a favourite of people for shamanic journeying, trance work and protection during astral travel.

In holistic healing, some acupuncturists use dried mugwort on acupuncture points of the body as an alternative to needles. In Chinese medicine it strengthens the blood, stimulates the flow of chi and maintains general health, making this extraordinary plant beloved of healers and shamans.


See our Mugwort



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