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  • Posted on
  • By Linda Perry
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Morganite connects to Angels through Divine Love and the Heart chakra. Even a small piece can be quite powerful. It helps develop and enhance intuitive abilities by aiding in contacting spirit guides and Angels. Morganite is said to be one of the highest frequency crystals available.

Morganite, or Pink Emerald, is a rare pink semi-precious transparent crystal that ranges in colour from silver pink to peach to purple pink. It was first discovered in California and named after the collector JP Morgan. It has since been discovered in Africa, Brazil, Madagascar and Thailand.


Other crystals in the Beryl family are Aquamarine, Bixbite, Emerald, Goshenite and Heliodor.


Morganite connects to Angels through Divine Love and the Heart chakra. Even a small piece can be quite powerful. It helps develop and enhance intuitive abilities by aiding in contacting spirit guides and Angels. Morganite is said to be one of the highest frequency crystals available.


Like Emerald, Morganite connects to the Heart and higher Heart chakras. While helping to stabilize the heart area it can help clear the lungs making breathing easier.


A strong support for women, it helps to encourage inner strength. While it connects to Divine feminine energy, it can help both men and women balance male/female energies. If you have difficulties accepting your feminine side, wear a Morganite pendant or ring. It is one of the best crystals to use for this purpose.


When going through emotional processes, such as: loss, grief, guilt, past life karma, suppressed emotions, etc., wear a piece of Morganite. It balances emotions and makes you feel supported, loved and confident giving a sense of joy and inner strength. It also fosters empathy, compassion and patience.


Wear Morganite as jewellery to join the forces of Divine Love with your Heart chakra increasing your capacity for and to love. 


See our Morganite collection.



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