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Flower Agate

  • Posted on
  • By Linda Perry
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Flower Agate

Flower Agate, an intriguing type of Agate, contains unique inclusions that come together to form patterns resembling flowers or petals.

This gemstone is known for its gentle yet potent properties of strength, stamina and protection. It's like a gentle guide, helping us to grow and bloom into our authentic selves, empowering us to flourish and stand firmly in our power. Imagine holding a piece of Flower Agate as having a supportive friend by your side, encouraging you to follow your dreams and fulfill your soul's purpose.

We offer a variety of Flower Agate types, including the standard soft blush-hued variant, as well as Black, Carnelian and Green Flower Agates. All these varieties possess a beautiful, beneficial energy to work with.

The soft and compassionate energy of Flower Agate is reminiscent of Kuan Yin, promoting gentle self-growth. It helps bring hidden issues to the surface for healing and release, much like a lotus flower blooming from the muddy depths.

Flower Agate also embodies the Sacred Feminine, fostering grace, balance, and harmony. It serves as a reminder to follow your happiness and find joy in life. This gemstone, often associated with tranquility and balance, encourages you to live in the present and appreciate the beauty of each moment. It resonates with the Heart chakra, promoting your inner growth.

The Carnelian Flower Agate is specifically known to enhance sensuality, passion, vitality, personal power and motivation. It boosts passion and desire in relationships, encouraging intimacy and romance. This type of Agate resonates with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, enhancing your courage and confidence, and promoting personal empowerment.

Flower Agate is a supportive crystal, its sweet energy helps you overcome fears and clear the path for personal growth. As you work with Flower Agate, you'll feel more connected to the present, filled with positive energy, and inspired to honor your journey and bloom into your best self.


See our Flower Agate collection.



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